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Writer's pictureAshley Forest-Hixson

Full -Time Mompreneur Plus...

Updated: 6 days ago

So where do I start... I am a mom to two beautiful children and one angel. Our youngest child is autistic and it's his superpower. Their father and I co-parent like the bosses we are. You will find out a lot more about him later. He is a major part of my life-so-far story. I am currently working on my master's, and I have my own business. In addition to all that I do, I work in customer service for a Fortune 500 company. To say the least, I am always working on something. My business is growing, and I am here to share all the ups and downs of building a business.

I am very passionate about writing and being creative. I do not get to do that a lot in my current 9-5 and it can feel suffocating at times. My job is very routine, and I don't get a lot of opportunities to use my many skills and talents. I am hoping to move into a department involving community outreach or working with grants and other organizations through the company I work for. I am very thankful for my job and little bit of flexibility it provides. I am able to keep up with school and work on projects for my clients. I am where I need to be, for now.

I am artsy and enjoy being able to express myself through music, painting, or whatever outlet I feel that day. I am in no way the next Picaso or Tamela Mann, but to brag on myself I have skills. My children get their love of the arts from their father and me. It's so enjoyable to watch them dance and sing while acting silly. The smiles on their faces are like watching the sun rise over clear blue water from the beach shore for first time. My goal is do what I love full time one day. I want to work my business, travel, and spend time with my family with no job restrictions.

I have a big heart and want to support different causes that mean a lot to me. I love science, the environment, fighting for what's right and just, supporting women, children, and families. Our angel, Sumo, passed away in 2016 at 3 weeks old from complications of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). My family has become passionate about supporting families that are going or have gone through similar experiences as we have. Sumo will never be forgotten, so we have turned our pain into passion. You will find out more along our journey of supporting different passion projects and how you can get involved as well.

I will rant on forever if I keep this up. I am excited about bringing you all along this journey with me and my family as we embark on multiple on adventures and new opportunities.

Until next time, Boss Lady out...

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